Saturday, May 28, 2011

Mindfullness Meditation- New Brain Science

Mindfulness Meditation and Brain Waves

Noise Canceling

A new study suggests that meditation may modulate brain waves called alpha rhythms, which help regulate the transmission of sensory input from the surrounding environment.

Mindfulness Meditation

Mindfulness or Insight meditation focuses attention on each moment, as in zazen, witnessing, or centering prayer. The state of consciousness during this meditation is Casual (dreamless sleep), the level of the Soul. It is experienced as pure, vast emptiness without form. The primary brain waves are delta and alpha. The primary neurotransmitter involved is serotonin, which helps explain why mindfulness meditation combats some forms of depression. 

Mindfulness Meditation Combats Depression
Eckhart Tolle's "Pain Body"

Dr. Mark Williams, Oxford University, has found mindfulness meditation combats some types of depression. Mindfulness is focusing on moment-to-moment experiences. By accepting negative thoughts, saying “yes” to them rather than denying them, people are more tolerant of negative memories. Meditation means relief for some people suffering with a heavy burden of negative memories from the past.

Eckhart Tolle on "The Pain Body" :

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Eckhart Tolle Most Influential

The 100 most spiritually influential living people, was published in the Spring issue #26 of the Watkins Review. Eckhart Tolle is #1 on the list.

The Top 10:

Eckhart Tolle
Dalai Lama    
Wayne Dyer
Thich Nhat Hanh
Deepak Chopra 
Louise Hay
Paolo Coelho
Oprah Winfrey
Ken Wilber
Ronda Byrne