Let's Create an Amazing Birth Day Celebration
for Our World
Envision 100 million people uniting around the world to celebrate the birth of a new era for humanity with great love and fanfare – an historic day of global unity.
We’ll link across the world in moments of song, prayer, meditation, dance, and cultural expression over a 24-hour cycle. We’ll share laughter, perform acts of generosity and commit to global cooperation.
That is what a movement of tens of thousands is activating for Dec. 22, 2012 – an unprecedented Birth Day celebration of our creativity and common purpose to evolve a better human civilization. This will lay the tracks for many years of focused efforts on positive societal change.
Renowned evolutionary leader and bestselling author Barbara Marx Hubbard is acting as our visionary voice, traveling the world to engage people in the movement. Renowned members of the Welcoming Committee such as Jack Canfield, Michael Beckwith, Jean Houston, Neale Donald Walsch, James O’Dea and Lynne Twist have joined with her in mobilizing this movement.
Birth 2012
This invitation to participate in the Birth is the most important letter I have ever written.
Its intent is to present you with the greatest opportunity that humanity has ever consciously faced together: the effort to cocreate a planetary shift in time to avert global catastrophe by helping humanity cross the gap from “Here”– our current breakdowns – to “There” – our future of infinite possibility.
Why is this invitation so urgent?
Because our current condition of over-growth in our finite Earth system is simply not sustainable.
We will either evolve toward a more sustainable, compassionate, and creative global system, or we face the real possibility of devolution and destruction of our life support system and of much of life on Earth – within our own or our children’s lifetime!
This dangerous reality is motivating us to enter into what I call the first age of conscious evolution – that is, evolution by choice and not by chance. It means that we need to be causal in the actions and direction we take in this lifetime. What is being required of us is to learn to co-evolve with nature and cocreate with Spirit.
Again, why do I say that the timing is so urgent? Why now? Can’t we wait a while and see how it turns out?
No, we can’t wait.
It’s like the birth of a baby. You might not be ready, but if the baby is ready, it’s coming out now for better or for worse. It can either be a disastrous birth, or a gentle one.
We are being called to a great experiment, for no one alive on Earth knows how to make such a vast evolutionary shift in this short of a time.
For the first time in our conscious history we are being given the opportunity to guide and ease our transition to the next stage of evolution. This situation is new for humanity, for we are the first Earth species to consciously face evolution or extinction.
This condition may be new for us, but it is not novel for the universe. Evolution operates by “punctuated equilibrium,” meaning long periods of slow change that are punctuated by apparent sudden jumps.
For billions of years, nature has been going through such creative leaps. It has progressed from energy evolving into matter, to planets like our Earth, to primitive life, to animal life, to human life, and now to us going around the next turn on the Spiral of Evolution toward the next phase of humanity.
When we review this Big History, this deep-time past, we learn that certain lessons recur:
- Crises almost always precede transformation.
- Problems are evolutionary drivers.
- Nature takes jumps through greater synergy and cooperation within and among species.
- We are facing transformative crises and living through such a leap now – the great wake-up call for the maturation of humanity.
We have reached what systems theorists call a “chaos point.” When a system in chaos is far from equilibrium, it tries to right itself by going backward to the old; this is why we see reactive movements everywhere in society right now.
But an evolving system cannot return to the past. It must seek out new structures and systems, and quickly ascend to a new configuration – or else face rapid decline. Fortunately, according to the theory, small positive fluctuations in this sea of social chaos can jump the system to such a higher order.
This book is dedicated to the fact that we can each be that small fluctuation!
The opportunity now being offered to us from the sacred process of evolution is to participate in creating many positive fluctuations as pioneering souls. We are being called upon to shift from ego-centrism to living from our Essential Selves; to discover our vocations of destiny; to give our unique Gift to the Shift; to work toward maximum global coherence; and to evolve our communities, our world, and ourselves.
In other words, our opportunity, right now, is to become planetary birthing mamas and papas!
Joining together, we can “gentle the birth” of a Universal Humanity connected through the heart to the whole of life-and guide our Earth community into its next evolutionary Stage.
With love,
Barbara Marx Hubbard
Barbara Marx Hubbard
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