Barbara Marks Hubbard has a different term for Thought-Forms. She calls them memes, but I believe the term thought-form, as expressed through my connection to spirit as I wrote this, is the same thing. It is the word I came up with, at the time I was allowing spirit to communicate this important truth through me, to define what spirit was trying to say about how shared thoughts, statements, and agreements mold our life experience, effect the planetary consciousness and how we live and move and have our being within it. So, if you like, while you read this, just superimpose the term Meme over the term Thought-Form, and you will probably see that they are the same thing.
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Another term often used in regards to this psycho-physical response is engram. An engram is created when an experience is intense enough to become etched upon not only the memory but also upon the neural network within the body. Engrams generate unconscious psycho-physical responses to experiences and observations that either match or closely resemble past experiences that were both emotionally and physically intense enough to become imprinted upon the neural net. It is speculated that engrams are the basis for what are called knee-jerk reactions to certain stimuli, such as the hand automatically drawing back from something that is perceived as hot, or automatically cringing at a specific tone of voice.
So what do psycho-physical responses and engrams have to do with the generation of thought-forms? Thought-forms are, in essence, social engrams. Thought forms are generated when the majority of individuals within a social group agree that something is true based upon the collective experience of the group. In some ways this is a good thing, as it promotes social connectedness and civilized societies; but in some ways this is not such a good thing as it also promotes blind allegiance to social agreements that may not always be grounded in truth. The reason for this is that engrams and psycho-physical responses are often formed before reason and intellect are fully developed. Often social agreement is based upon infantile perceptions of reality, formed before an individual or a society has developed the tools to accurately assess observations and experiences. For instance, early society agreed that the Earth was flat. They also agreed that the Earth was at the center of a universe and that the universe revolved around it. As the result of Galileo’s discoveries through the use of his invention, the telescope, mankind eventually traded those early social thought-forms for more enlightened ones.
Thought-forms have long been used by religious leaders and governments to control the masses. Generating a social thought-form is fairly easy when dealing with uneducated minds or fearful and superstitious social groups. It is fairly easy to utilize the fears and the superstitions of groups and societies to direct the masses into believing, acting or reacting in a prescribed manor. Sometimes this is viewed as necessary, for the protection of the group, or the society, such as telling them that a Supreme Being has the ability to monitor their every move and will inflict terrible consequences upon them if they break certain rules or laws, or overstep certain boundaries. Unfortunately, often such contrived thought-forms can forestall, or even impair the capacity for social and intellectual development such as when Galileo was arrested and his discoveries that were suppressed by the Church during the Inquisition.
Today many thought-forms are subtler than those of previous ages and are often founded on scientifically based assumptions. Nevertheless, thought-forms based in religiosity and superstitions not only still exist but they also continue to control the thoughts and actions of the greater portion of global society. Often, whether individuals choose to believe in the religious or superstitious concepts behind these thought-forms or not, they still find their emotional and physical actions and reactions controlled, on deep sub-conscious levels, by thought-forms they either do not subscribe to or are unaware of. Even atheists often call upon God for help or forgiveness when confronted with their own mortality. To be sure, even the ancient thought-forms have become quite subtle in that we are so accustomed to them that we no longer consider them as important, and yet, it is when a thought-form drops below the level of our conscious awareness that it has the most power over us. The truth is, our lives, our decisions, our actions and reactions to life’s experiences are largely choreographed by thought-forms that were both born in antiquity and generated in present time, often by well meaning individuals, groups, religious organizations and even governments.
Every time you watch a commercial on TV you are helping to generate or are participating in the proliferation of a thought-form. Every time you go to a show, or participate in a religious or social event, every time you give yourself over to a concept or a belief you are helping to generate or are participating in the proliferation of a thought-form. Nevertheless, not all thought-forms are destructive, controlling or limiting. Some thought-forms are not only constructive and liberating, they are also healing. These thought-forms, that are gaining more and more social agreement, empower the individual; engender acceptance, open-mindedness, unity, and the knowledge that all things are possible to those who believe in endless possibilities.
In the realm of thought-forms, Global Thought-Forms are by and large the most powerful of all. For instance, Life is fragile and tenuous. Nothing could be further from the truth. In reality life is tenacious and persistent. In spite of dozens of global calamities that forced thousands, possibly millions of life forms into extinction, life continues to express on this planet. The discrepancy here is the confusion between substance and form. Substance persists; form is constantly changing and evolving to address the constant state of change that exists within all environmental spheres.
Nevertheless, the thought-forms promoting the fragility of life persist because mankind is rooted in substance, due to another thought-form that promotes the idea that substance is more real than form. The fact that thought-forms have so much power is evidence of this, as people tend to believe that if you can’t see it, touch it, taste it or smell it, it has no basis in reality. Regardless of this belief, our lives are continually molded and our perceptions are constantly modified by feelings and emotions that, in themselves, are insubstantial to the degree that they cannot be seen or measured with physical mechanisms outside of our bodies. Or can they?
For decades now we have been able to measure the effects of emotions, by monitoring blood pressure, heart rate and galvanic skin responses. This is how the lie detector works. Of course it takes a skilled operator to decipher the meaning of the traces that these measurements generate on paper. Still, it doesn’t take a machine to recognize the sadness in a friends face when they have lost a loved one or when they are experiencing the pain of a failed relationship.
So also can the effects of a thought-form be seen if one knows what to look for. An example of this is in the suddenly soaring rate of breast cancer. Only in the last decade has there been increasing awareness of this disease. In fact the awareness has increased so much that you can’t drive on the freeway without seeing at least one pink ribbon bumper sticker, or shop without seeing a pink canvas shopping bag, or turn on the news without hearing about some organization or individual discussing a 5k run or a fund drive of some sort to fight this deadly disease. Could it be, that all of this focus has generated a thought-form that says, if you are a woman, you will probably get this disease? Could it be, the more people that focus on it, the more women there are that fall victim to it? Could this be a modern day thought-form gone wild?
This is why it is so important that our race becomes aware of what thought-forms are, and that thought-forms have power over our minds, our bodies and our spirits. It is imperative that we, as a race, come to recognize that we contribute to the construction of and the proliferation of thought-forms by investing our agreement and energy in them. Unless we do, we will not need an asteroid from space, or an atomic war to seal our fate. We will destroy ourselves with our own agreed upon thoughts.
Nevertheless, humanity has the power to transform the planet and all of the lives upon it through the use of this magnificent tool. What if all humanity came to agree that the Earth itself is an electrical generator capable of providing enough energy, as the result of it’s rotation and it’s orbital transit around the sun, to provide enough free, renewable energy to power any and all of our needs forever? What if all of humanity agreed that the human body is so strong and so adaptable that it could overcome all disease? What if all of humanity agreed that war was no longer an acceptable way to deal with political, social and spiritual differences. What if we all agreed that we, as one race on earth, are so deeply connected that we have the capacity to sense the deepest needs of all mankind and the capacity access solutions that are equitable to everyone on Earth? Sound Crazy? Maybe not.
In a world where information from everywhere is transmitted around the globe in an instant and accessible to nearly everyone on the planet, it is not such a stretch to imagine that we can all come to agree upon positive and productive ideas and concepts. Of course, first humanity must come to understand that this kind of universal focus has powerful consequences. This kind of universal focus generates universal agreement, and this in turn generates powerful thought-forms that lock humanity into actions and reactions that may or may not be in it’s best interests. Once it becomes universally recognized that thought-forms exist, that they have incredible power over the expressions and evolution humanity, they can then be used as tools to transform society, and indeed, all life on Earth.
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